💣Ever feel so anxious and stressed out that you literally can’t think of anything else other than how frustrated you currently feel.
I know I have.🙋♀️
🤐And that is why I want to share a little secret to stop the rumination and calm your headspace. This meditation is also great to do with little ones.
✨It’s an intentional practice to shift you out of your thinking mind and into your physical senses and body. It’s a fun favorite called 5 finger breathing.
✋ In this practice, you will take one hand and spread all the fingers out.
☝️ You will then use your other hand’s pointer finger to trace the base of your pinky finger all the way to the tip. You will use your breath as your guide to trace the hand.
🫁You will inhale as you trace your pinky finger up and then exhale as you trace it down the other side. You will do this for all 5 fingers and restart. You can move as slow or as fast as feels comfortable for you.
🎲 Gamify it with your child to see who can trace their hand the slowest.
🌻This will help to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system allowing you to have more feelings of calm. This is also a great exercise because it’s having you work with not only your breath by the physical sensations of touch. Allow yourself to feel what it feels like tracing your finger along the different sides of your fingers.
Tell me in the comments down below how this practice went for you.
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Every Wednesday at 12:30PM EST, I go live in my Facebook Group, Instagram, and YouTube with a short five-to-ten-minute guided meditation to share a little mindfulness and increase awareness of your body and breath! We will generally focus on a specific intention or type of meditation. These range from loving kindness meditation to body scan meditation practices.
Want More Guided Meditations for Anxiety and Stress? Check out my Insight Timer page for more FREE guided meditations: https://insighttimer.com/fayebarry ✨
Let’s stay connected!!
Facebook Group: Facebook.com/groups/apathwaytopeace
Instagram: @YourMindfulBreath
Insight Timer: Faye Barry
Website: Yourmindfulbreath.com