
WuWei Meditation: The Power of Non-Doing

Come explore WuWei with me today. This idea of non-doing and understanding there is more than simply the act of doing nothing.

As I was researching more about this topic, I was reminded of a scene from one of my favorite movies, Mulan.

This is actually Mulan 2. Where Mulan is teaching the kids how to be a strong warriors. You need both day and night. You need to be strong like a rock and also flow like bamboo.

Bamboo is the perfect example of WuWei. It’s also very strong but also flexible to move through the wind.

With WuWei you aren’t not doing anything but instead, you’re tuning into the flow of life and the flow of doing and not doing inside yourself. It’s this idea of not trying to force something to happen when it’s just not ready.

For example, think of a plant. This plant needs the right amount of sunlight and water to grow and flourish. If there’s too much or too little it won’t survive.

So in this meditation of non-doing, we’ll explore what it means to be able to sit with yourself in the present moment. This will largely be a silent meditation practice focused on noticing what comes up for you.

This is your time to unplug from the external world and plugs into yourself and further, explore what’s going in and around your mind and body.

Tell me in the comments how this practice went for you.

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Every Wednesday at 12:30 PM EST, I go live in my Facebook Group, Instagram, and Youtube with a short five to ten minute guided meditation to share a little mindfulness and increase awareness of your body and breath! We will generally focus on a specific intention or type of meditation. These range from loving-kindness meditation to body scan meditation practices.

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